PAP Therapy and Filing for Insurance Reimbursement
If you’ve recently made a PAP equipment purchase with us, you may be able to receive reimbursement from your insurance provider by submitting an insurance reimbursement claim.
Wondering how to submit a claim? We’ve outlined the process below and put together some helpful resources to get you started.

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Insurance Companies
How Do I File for Insurance Reimbursement on My PAP Purchase?
Most insurance plans offer partial coverage for PAP equipment once you meet your deductible. You can submit a claim to your insurance provider to receive reimbursement for out-of-pocket PAP equipment costs.
We’ve outlined the general process for filing for reimbursement below to help you get started. Note that the specifics may vary depending on your insurance provider. You should always check with your provider about their PAP coverage and policies to understand what your options are, along with any requirements you may need to meet to be eligible for reimbursement.
Insurance vs. Out-of-pocket
While insurance will typically cover some of the costs involved in purchasing PAP equipment, there are often restrictions that accompany shopping with insurance. Some insurance plans require you to show proof of use of your PAP equipment or meet other conditions to qualify for coverage.
Most insurance plans offer coverage for PAP equipment only after you meet your deductible. When making your decision, calculate whether your PAP equipment is likely to cost more than your deductible, both now and in the long run. Don’t forget to budget for the ongoing costs of tubes, filters, and other accessory replacements.
Here’s a side-by-side breakdown of the terms of purchasing PAP equipment with an insurance provider in mind compared to purchasing entirely out-of-pocket.
Machine selection
Machine condition
BIPAP Availability
Rental term
Prescription length
Usage requirements
Follow ups
Data Privacy
Possibly used
Requires APAP fail
Supplier dependent
Lower upfront, higher over time
Depends on insurer
Usually 3/10/13 months
1 year
4 hrs/night for 21 days in 30-day time
Every 6 months
Monitored, usage proof required
Out of pocket
No restrictions
Always available
Higher upfront, lower over time
99 years
None required
No monitoring