CPAP Mask Leak Solutions

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Not sure why your CPAP mask is leaking? Reach out to our Sleep Care team so that we can help you discover what’s going on and choose the right solution.

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Why is my CPAP mask leaking?

There are many reasons why your CPAP mask might be leaking, but some of the most common causes include:
-Breathing through your mouth when wearing a nasal or nasal pillow mask
-A mask that doesn’t fit properly or is the wrong size
-Over or under-tightening an adjustable mask
-Worn-out mask parts that need to be replaced
-A mask style that doesn’t stay on when you toss and turn
-Using a mask that doesn’t accommodate your facial hair

Should I be concerned if my CPAP mask is leaking?

In addition to being uncomfortable, CPAP mask leaks can seriously impact the effectiveness of your CPAP therapy. Whether you use a prescribed air pressure or an automatic positive airway pressure (APAP) machine, CPAP therapy only works if you receive enough air pressure to keep your airway open. Leaks decrease the air pressure level, potentially leaving you vulnerable to apnea events.

How do I fix a leaky CPAP mask?

You can fix your leaky CPAP mask by addressing the underlying problem. If your mask is in good condition and otherwise fits well, a mask liner or gel pad can help “fill in the gaps” where the cushion doesn’t fit your facial features. If you experience air leaks because you breathe through your mouth while wearing a nasal mask, a chin strap or mouth tape can encourage you to breathe through your nose instead.

Can I use a nasal or nasal pillow CPAP mask if I breathe through my mouth?

Some people who breathe through their mouth are able to use a nasal CPAP mask when they also use a chin strap or mouth tape to keep their mouth closed at night. This option does not work for people who have problems breathing through their nose, so it’s worth speaking to your doctor or sleep specialist to help you decide which mask style you should choose.