Shop like a Bear

The most common chronotype, waking with the sun and winding down at sunset. Productivity peaks between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., following a typical daily pattern.

3 essential tips for bears you probably aren't doing

Embrace balance and steady energy with a rhythm that works for you.

Designed for those who wake naturally but need a gentle boost, this bundle helps you stay refreshed, focused, and unwind with ease. Move through your day with confidence and rest deeply at night.

Bear Snooze Bundle

Starting at 283.98

Rise and shine with the Bear Snooze Bundle, designed for those who need a gentle wake-up and steady energy throughout the day. This curated set helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle with light therapy, soothing sound, and a comfortable environment for deep rest. Perfect for natural early risers looking to optimize their mornings and stay refreshed all day.

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  • Bear

    Are you frequently looking to catch some extra Z’s or hunt for an afternoon snack? You just might be a bear! Making up about 55% of the population, it’s safe to say that the world is brimming with bears.

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  • Lion

    Lions wake earliest, bursting with morning energy and productivity before noon. As evening approaches, their energy declines, making late nights rare. They prefer a structured routine and typically settle down for bed before 10 p.m.

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  • Wolf

    Do you find yourself becoming more awake and alert as the day—and night—go on? You might be a wolf! Making up approximately 15% of the population, wolves are classic night owls. In fact, most wolves don’t start to feel tired until after midnight. 

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  • Dolphin

    If you’re a light or inconsistent sleeper, or your mind sets out to worry right when you get into bed, you may be a dolphin. About 10% of people have the dolphin chronotype. 

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